Robert Walters sentenced to life without parole for the beating death of...
Robert Walters. A judge sentenced 25-year-old Robert Walters to life in prison without parole today for the murder of his former girlfriend, Brittney Brashers. Though the sentence was mandatory
View ArticleShameless plug: Westword's Toke Daily Deals brings discounts on doja
Question: Do you like paying less than retail for medical cannabis and cannabis-related merchandise? Yes? Well, hawdilly! You're just the person Westword is hoping will sign up for our new Grou
View ArticleOccupy Denver clashes with police over the creation of a cardboard structure...
Occupy Denver clashed with the Denver Police Department again last night over a recently built cardboard shelter in Civic Center Park. Later dubbed "the Thundercube" because of the symbol the T
View ArticleBarack Obama and a blizzard hitting Denver today: It's Snobama!
Obama! Snow! A flurry of announcements started coming in yesterday, all indicating that Denver is on a collision course with a made-for-TV disaster. President Barack Obama is coming to town for
View ArticleBrenda Harding sentenced to lifetime probation for sex assault on teen who...
Big pic below.Society seems to have a different viewpoint about sex assaults involving an older woman and an underage male than if an older man and a teen girl are paired -- but the former can
View ArticleEmily Sirota on MSNBC to talk about "America's Wildest School Board Race"...
Emily Sirota.Last night, MSNBC's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell devoted a hefty five-minute segment (on view below) to the Denver school board race and candidate Emily Sirota. Why? O'Don
View Article10 best tweets about Tim Tebow following the Broncos win over Miami
Tebow.Just in case you went on a two-day heroin bender starting early Sunday or you were busy occupying stuff for the past several days, Tim Tebow really screwed up the Broncos' chance of draf
View ArticleReader: Medical marijuana community doing a good job of wringing out the grunge
Intriguing comments beget more intriguing comments. That truism is proven again by the post below, originally affixed to a Comment of the Day item spurred by the federal raid on the Cherry Top
View ArticleTen best things for Barack Obama to do if he gets snowed in during Denver...
"I'm on standby?"Barack Obama is returning to Denver for a fundraiser and a jobs speech on the Auraria campus. And if the storm forecast to hit the area this evening and continue through most o
View ArticleBuds for Boobies: Breast cancer event backs more study of marijuana's...
Buds for Boobies, taking place at 7 p.m. tonight at the Boulder Theater, is among the season's most unusual fundraisers: a medical-marijuana-themed decorative bra auction, with proceeds earmark
View ArticleMaid company owner being sued for death of dog found under table says fault...
Ruthie and Robin.Last week, attorney Jennifer Edwards and Talulah Jones owner Robin Lohre told us about a lawsuit filed against the Posh Maids service. The reason: Lohre found her dog, Ruthie,
View ArticleVillage Voice Media responds to clergy
Today, 36 clergy affixed their names to a paid ad and open letter to Village Voice and the classified ad site The full page ad was published in the New York Times. The religious c
View ArticleMichael Hancock's 100 day anniversary present: Scottie Ewing is moving to Las...
Scottie Ewing.Denver blog posts, in black and white. Over at Cafe Society, Patricia Calhoun reports that Michael Hancock nemesis Scottie Ewing is planning a move to Las Vegas by year's end. Ha
View ArticleOccupy Denver profile: Matthew Velasquez left his job for the occupation
Matthew Velasquez.At about 9:37 this morning, Matthew Velasquez finds himself one half of a strange, if typical, conversation about the occupation. "So, what are you guys doing?" a stranger in
View ArticleJennifer Gomes, PE teacher, allegedly left bomb threat because she didn't...
Bigger pic below.Update below: It's a temptation pretty much every student has felt -- the urge to make a bomb threat because of an impending test or an awful assignment or the feeling that the
View ArticleTed Turner, media mogul and buffalo protector, to accept award in CO for... Though he's probably most famous for fathering 24-hour cable news, World Championship Wrestling and, to budding environmentalists in 1990 the world over, the Saturday-morning cart
View ArticleOccupy Denver: Read the letters Denver's 99 percent wrote to President Barack...
Wikimedia CommonsOccupy Denver has launched a call-to-action in advance of Barack Obama's trip to Denver. The plan is for the president, here for a fundraiser and a jobs speech, to receive a ba
View ArticleMichael Hancock celebrates 100 mostly sunny days in a "world-class city"
Michael Hancock.Michael Hancock has good timing. He was in the right place, right time when Denver voters were looking for someone, anyone but Chris Romer to be mayor, and managed to edge out J
View ArticleSnowpacalypse fails to materialize, letting down crisis-ready TV news...
Video below.Sorry, Mr. President. The predicted SNOBAMA storm hasn't been nearly fierce enough to trap you in the Mile High City. But while we're bummed the visiting commander in chief won't ge
View ArticleJames William Swets, Swetsville Zoo resident, accused of inappropriately...
Big pics below.Fort Collins' Swetsville Zoo is a slice of Americana -- a roadside attraction featuring charming metallic sculptures zoo creator Bill Swets crafted mostly from spare parts and sc
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