J.R. Smith is going to regret taking that easy Chinese money if NBA lockout...
J.R. Smith.Denver blog posts play hurt. Denver Stiffs' Andrew Feinstein thinks J.R. Smith, Wilson Chandler and Kenyon Martin will rue the day they locked in to play basketball in China until M
View ArticleEmad Hussain survived a gunshot, escaped Iraq and wishes the U.S. would stay...
Emad Hussain.President Barack Obama announced last Friday that the vast majority of U.S. troops -- about 39,000 of them -- would be out of Iraq by December 31. But not everyone is happy about t
View ArticleKen Salazar hawking solar "sweet spots" for an energy boost
Ken Salazar.Yesterday, after three years, more than 80,000 public comments, and countless hours reviewing ponderous economic and environmental issues -- in other words, pretty speedy for govern
View ArticleOccupy Denver profile: Tony Song adjusts to life in the occupation's "crazy...
Big pic below.Tony Song isn't big on specifics. He moved to Denver "a few months ago," he sleeps "wherever I can lay my head," and he joined the city's occupation "three or four days in, probab
View ArticleOccupy Denver: Biggest riot squad presence to date, pepper bullets, multiple...
Update, 11:01 p.m. October 29: Twenty people were arrested during what has been Occupy Denver's most violent day in weeks. All evidence of the Thunderdome and the front desk has been removed, a
View ArticleOccupy Denver: 21 arrests, magistrate refuses to lower bond rate
Today's arraignment for last night's Occupy Denver arrests continued a vein of strict bond rates applied across the board. Lawyers received little time to speak to those arrested, and though al
View ArticleRobert White will be Denver's next police chief, and Gerry Whitman will not...
Chief Robert White.Mayor Michael Hancock's choice for Denver's new police chief, Robert White, was introduced at a hastily convened press conference at City Hall on Saturday. The announcement
View ArticleTim Tebow reenacts story of Christian thrown to the Lions (VIDEO)
Tebowed.Okay, so you knew this week's Broncos-Lions game wouldn't turn into a homegrown version of the Miami miracle. But did you thinks it would be as bad as the 45-10 debacle that took place
View ArticleBrandon Smith gets 25 years for iPad finger-ripping theft -- and soliciting...
Big pics below.Brandon Smith set out to steal an iPad shortly after the device's release, and he did. That's a relatively minor crime -- so how did he wind up being sentenced to 25 years behind
View ArticleThe Simpsons gives Aron Ralston, 127 Hours one-armed salute in "Treehouse of...
Video below.Colorado's own Aron Ralston may have thought he'd received the ultimate tribute when the movie 127 Hours was made about his famous arm-amputating ordeal. But that's nothing compare
View ArticleNick Beram sentenced for five bank robberies as stun-gun wielding Sparky bandit
Big pic below.Nick Beram did everything he could to disguise himself while robbing five area banks while armed with a stun gun. During the crimes, he wore sunglasses, a dark-hooded jacket and a
View ArticleReader: Alonzo Ashley shouldn't be demonized just because he died in police...
Alonzo Ashley.The death of Alonzo Ashley at the Denver Zoo this summer continues to spark conversation about the reasonable use of force, and whether contact-tasing and the manner in which he w
View ArticleGorilla Run 2011 finds Denver going ape (PHOTOS)
Big pics below.The eighth annual Denver Gorilla Run, benefiting the Denver-based Mountain Gorilla Conservation Fund, turned downtown wild on Saturday, thanks in part to a new post-race feature
View ArticleMarijuana activists ask John Suthers to take ethics pledge after Dan Hartman...
John Suthers.At noon today, Mason Tvert and other Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act backers will stage an event at Attorney General John Suthers's office. Why? Suthers feels a letter by (outg
View ArticleProposition 103's Rollie Heath thinks education tax vote will be very close
Rollie Heath.Tomorrow, voters will be asked to weigh in on Proposition 103, which would hike taxes to raise money for schools. Senator Rollie Heath, the measure's most familiar proponent, is u
View ArticleOccupy Denver profile: John Sexton says he was falsely accused of felony...
John Sexton.John Sexton turned 33 this morning, and his birthday gifts have so far been slim: He was released from prison a couple hours ago, and his first birthday wish was from someone in a n
View ArticleHalloween is free on South Gaylord Street for humans and pets alike
FlickrDenver blog posts aren't usually this scary. Things to Do in Denver When You're Broke touts the free Halloween celebration on South Gaylord Street, complete with a pet parade. It's B.Y.O
View ArticleDPS: Task force to survey community about whether to delay first day of...
Flickr With the temperature dropping outside, it's getting harder to remember when Denver's children were sweltering in their classrooms two months back. But Denver Public Schools hasn't forgot
View ArticleMedical marijuana edibles review: BAKKED's Chocolate Rice Crispy Treat offers...
Staring at a package with a BAKKED Chocolate Rice Crispy Treat inside is enough to make one's mouth water. Then finding out that that treat apparently has a relatively high of THC packed inside
View ArticleOccupy Denver: Two protesters assaulted by provocateurs during Fox31 interview
Occupy Denver is recharging quickly after its most violent interaction with police to date. The fourth incarnation of the Thunderdome, the group's kitchen tent, popped up even before the police
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